Friday Apr 15, 2022
Got Guts: Behind the science with an Organoid Diva
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Many times we read a manuscript but don’t really get to know the amazing author behind the great science. Behind those black typewritten letters that spell a scientists name lies a person that is usually creative, intelligent, quirky, and fun. This is certainly the case with the author of “Use of human tissue stem cell-derived organoid cultures to model enterohepatic circulation”, Dr. Sarah Blutt. Please listen in as we learn a little bit about one of the fields Organoid Divas and what makes her tick as we discuss organoids as a biological toll booth and other topics.
Check out the manuscript associated with this podcast here: https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpgi.00177.2021
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