
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
”Got Guts” The Micro Version: Order of Events after Keratin 8 Sequential Downregulation
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
In this podcast, authors Maria A. Ilomäki and Lauri Polari (both at Åbo Akademi University) discuss their recently published research titled “Defining a timeline of colon pathologies after keratin 8 loss: Rapid crypt elongation and diarrhea are followed by epithelial erosion and cell exfoliation.”
New and Noteworthy:
Understanding the order in which physiological and molecular events occur helps to recognize the onset of diseases and improve their preclinical models. We utilized Cre-Lox-based inducible keratin 8 deletion in mouse intestinal epithelium to characterize the earliest events after keratin 8 loss leading to colitis. These include diarrhea and crypt elongation, followed by erosion and neutrophil activity. The authors results also support noninvasive methodology for monitoring colon diseases in preclinical models.
Article Citation:
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 0 0:0